OCH Blog

We write about updates on our websites, new features, articles, housing tips and more.

Spring Cleaning

If you are anything like me, you are tired of the cold. (At least, if you live in a place that it gets cold. The rest of you can stop…

Being Scam Suave in the Modern Age

There is no denying that technology has greatly changed our world and how we interact in our daily lives. Specially in the rental market where long gone are the days…

How to: Write an Affective Rental Listing

Over the past decade, the migration from print to online advertising of rental properties has brought about fierce competition. Online advertising has provided multiple media options that weren’t previously available,…

How to Have a Good Roommate Relationship

As September comes to an end, many roommates are celebrating their 1-month roommate-versary and the roommate honeymoon period may be coming to an end. So as October approaches now is…

Disasters Part 2: Recovery

Natural disasters can be life altering. They can destroy property, valuables, and memories. If you followed my last blog post about Preparing for Disasters, you have a better knowledge about…

Disasters Part 1: Preparing for the Worst

Disasters happen. There’s really no stopping them and their impact on us and the ones we love. We here at Off-Campus Housing 101 have clients, friends, and family from all…

Allergy-Proofing Your Home

Allergies are a nightmare. Your face is itchy, your nose feels like it is going to be plugged forever, your garbage can is full of used tissues, and you feel…

History of ECOM & OCH101

Founded in 1998, ECOM Media Group Inc (ECOM) is an established and reputable leader in the online vacancy rental advertising market. Since day one, our core vision and guiding principle…